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Preservation Documents

Conservation and Preservation Policies, Codes of Ethics, and Guidelines

Organ Historical Society Guidelines for Conservation (rev. 2008). These recent guidelines were informed by a study of the following important preservation documents from North America and abroad.

Topical Index of Selected Documents - rev. 8-5-2007 JRW  (PDF)
This ninety-page study document was prepared for the Conservation Guidelines Revision Committee of the Organ Historical Socitey during preparation of their 2008 conservation guidelines revision. It collates language from selected perservation documents on 45 subtopics.

American Institute for Conservation (AIC)  Code of Ethics and Guidelines for Practice

ICOM Conservation COE The Conservator-Restorer: a Definition of the Profession

Principles of Preservation - Petzet (pdf) A summary of the major themes in cultural heritage preservation.

Resolution Varazdin 2000 (MSWord)  Representatives of the organ world, the church and political life from all sections of Europe met in Varazdin in 2000 to consider the safeguarding and the permanent protection of the European organ heritage. Their congress was under the topic: "The organ as European cultural artefact" The participants of the congress have adopted the following resolution. 

Weilheimer Regulativ (MSWord - in German) Regulations for the Protection of Historic Organs with a report regarding the Organ Conservation Conference at Weilheim/Teck from April  23rd –27th, 1957

Ethical Issues in Conservation (Web-based links) A collection of web resources on this broad subject.

Getty Resources Cultural Heritage Policy Documents (links) A list of charters, conventions, and recommendations represent the chronological development of cultural policy over the last 95 years. Documents in the list are international, regional and/or national in their scope. Though not a comprehensive list of all national cultural policies and legislation, these documents identify key issues and represent key policies in the development of contemporary thinking about the conservation of cultural property. Each document is abstracted, and on the abstract page there is a link to the full text document when available.